Tofu Bolognese

Who in the world doesn’t like a good and juicy bolognese? And with grated cheese on top even better and better than that just if it is the vegetarian version. I present to you the Tofu Bolognese!

This recipe is from mamis. Who influenced by my vegetarianism, has ventured into the discovery of new meatless recipes, and it is not because she is my mother, it has been a success in the kitchen and her daughter is very thankful 😄

In this Tofu Bolognese, I added carrots to get more nutrients, so the color is more orange. However, I have already cooked several times without carrots and it is equally good and with a more reddish tone. If you don’t like carrots, I advise you not to use them because their taste is very pronounced. If you like it, then “put it in the pot”!


  • Spaghetti | Tagliatelle or Macaroni
  • 1 packet of Tofu
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3 ripe tomatoes
  • 1 small package of tomato sauce
  • 1/2 glass of red wine
  • water
  • 1 carrot (optional)
  • fresh basil (to your taste)
  • salt | pepper | oregano (to your taste)
  • parmesan cheese


preparation and ingredients


  1. Cut the onion and garlic into small cubes and in a medium pot add olive oil and sauté the onion and the garlic.
  2. When the onion is transparent add the 3 tomatoes cut into small pieces.
  3. With your hands break the tofu into pieces and grate the carrot. When the tomato has a smashed consistency, add the tofu and carrot to the preparation and gently stir all the ingredients.
  4. Add water to cover the mixture and then add the tomato sauce and wine. Stir everything very well.
  5. Add fresh sliced basil and seasonings (salt, pepper and oregano) to taste.
  6. Place on a low heat and cover the pan with its lid and let it simmer. Once a while check the preparation and add water to make it succulent.
  7. In another pot cook the pasta with water and salt.
  8. When the pasta is cooked, just serve on the plates, adding some fresh basil and grated Parmesan cheese on top for “that” final touch on the Tofu Bolognese.

Tofu Bolognese

It looks like a lot of steps but in reality, this recipe is very easy to make. Is that kind of recipe that you can do other stuff while cooking it. I end up making this recipe several times for practicality and speed. And it never fails 😋

You can make some bruschettas as starters and accompanied it with a glass of good red wine and it will look like you’re in Italy!

Let´s go to the kitchen?