Be Veggie – A lifestyle

Being a vegetarian is not just a diet that follows. It’s a lifestyle. There are countless benefits for you and the world when you become a vegetarian.


When you start it is essential to know the real reason you want to become a vegetarian, after all, it is a giant change of habits. Whatever answer you find to that question, remember, what motivates you must come from the inside out and not the other way around.

Find your truth. That is the only way you can really commit to anything in your life, you have to find your purpose in your decision and not the view that others have on the subject.

This summer, at a festival, I found a girl in the toilets area eating chicken nuggets, hidden away, because she didn’t want her friends to know that she wasn’t vegan. Everything about this story seemed wrong to me. You don’t have to become anything by external pressure. If you think you don’t feel able to get the meat and fish out of your life, just cut your consumption in half. Then, in your time and if you feel like it, start cutting the red meats and sausages, then the chicken and finally the fish
I believe that if you have that desire inside of you, there will come a day when you will simply no longer feel like eating animals. And you will feel enormous peace with that decision and not an obligation.

There are people who wake up one day, make that decision, and never look back. Others are gradually discovering a new lifestyle.


My decision to become vegetarian was extremely influenced by seeing the suffering of animals in Asian countries. But not everyone can go to Asia because they want to become vegetarians, right?

So, here is a suggestion that always reinforces my decision: Watch documentaries.

Make a research about the numerous benefits of vegetarianism, from ethical issues to disease control. The environment is saturated by the impacts of the livestock industry, not to mention the industrial cruelty that these systems involve. And finally, understand the impact that this decision will have on your health and consequently on your self-esteem.


I leave here a list of documentaries that I watched on the subject and that are really good ones:

  1. Cowspiracy
  2. Food Matters
  3. Earthlings
  4. The Game Changers
  5. What the Health

After seeing them, assimilate the meaning of everything you saw. Become aware and question yourself.

It’s not just about the planet. Is about you too.


As a personal experience, I can share with you that, after a year with a vegetarian diet:

  • My energy levels have never been higher;
  • I lost weight and maintained without difficulty what, for me, is my ideal weight;
  • I exponentially reduced my appetite for processed and sugar-saturated foods;
  • It was a lever to start a healthier lifestyle;
  • Clear conscience that I am doing what is best for my body, for the planet and for all living beings that surround me;
  • I discovered a world of new recipes and flavors that brought me a new passion: cooking;

In fact, this was a decision that had a positive influence on other aspects of my life. Once my body started to feel healthier, it started asking me for healthier habits. In this sense, I can easily find a relationship between my diet, meditation, and daily exercise, which culminate in the fact that I never felt so good in life, among other things.


I decided to integrate vegetarian recipes in the blog so you don’t have the excuse of not knowing what to eat. And believe me, this is the most fun part, you will discover a whole world of new recipes. Being a vegetarian is nothing boring!

It is important to emphasize that looking for a nutritionist in the initial phase is important, especially if you do not know how to replace the food. However, there is also a lot of information on the internet on the subject, where you can learn. Believe me, it´s easier than it seems at the beginning.

Always remember, your body is a temple, not a cemetery.

Do we start the adventure?